Adventure it was for JinAir on the 13th. in the month of December of 2007... Arriving in the early morning, 7 of the o'clock to be precise... JinAir hunt first for food for it would be not known when well cooked meal after will come pass JinAir mouth. A meal of fried the rice with vege it was not that well cooked after all that JinAir had to survived with. Well 8.30 a.m start the journey with the numbering of 30 paxs the students was with. A journey by way of walking and nothing more did JinAir made.... lasted till 5.00 of the p.m arrived at the campsite not forgetting sleep on the muddy leeches infested ground JinAir did at three of the time. Was a wonderful sight the tent that JinAir sleep right into the night waking to the pain felt from fall sprained sustain on the shoulder of left and errr eerrr bottoms of left which left JinAir to sleep on the right always :( Imaging 1 hour into the journey did the fall happened that JinAir almost make to U turn back to Base but than again who would want to be alone at Basecamp at The Ulu Kernas. Well glad the decision to continued to be able to rest and recuperate whilst monitoring close the activities.... safe be the utmost concerned of JinAir for the individuals. Next day being the 14th.. whilst up the top of the Bubu being the name of the mountain the cares of JinAir when... prepares JinAir to warm up the return journey... with somes of the cares that did not journey to the top. 2.20 p.m started the journey out to Basecamp of Ulu Kernas... when JinAir arrived it was to be 8.00 p.m. stiff legs of leeches bite... robotly JinAir walk up to changed the sweat blood soaked attires... into warm dry clothing and comfy horizontal of a positions at ends :). hhhmmm JinAir starts 8.30 a.m to arrived 5.00 p.m whlie Cares started 8.30 a.m arriving 3.30 to 4.00 p.m. day 1.... day 2 JinAir Started 2.20 p.m only to arrived 8.00 p.m whiles Cares of JinAir arrived 7.00 p.m and 10.00 p.m....who cares when they started kekekekekkee not bad for JinAir.... not that young JinAir am.... not old okay! Pics of JinAir~'s Cares in tent... The lovely and serene campsite.... The Kayaks expedition's.... The top of Bubu... The Closing Ceremony.... The will never ever be forgotten site JinAir had the great fall almost ending the journey but almost to the ward of the hospital...thank The Almighty.... The mass meal session at campus and the never give up team of Cares of JinAir~'s kekekekekeee. Oh just came back with medicines to help JinAir~ walk non robotic and hope of no more rightside only horizontal sleeping from the Medical Centre. :)