I am on a weight loss mode...diet not so much...but more of starving. It's between small portion of food and none...but water a must for dehydration can kill...with the shutting down of vital organ...which will eventually lead to death. Source of energy will be from the stored fat... but watch for hypoglycemic which is too low/lack of glycogen use in the process of conversion into energy. Another thing to monitor is what food substance in the stomach...the timing too so as to make sure gastric do not be the result...than no more this fancy diet or starving....did once..waist line 44 down to 34 and weight of 103+kg down to 95kg...wish me well friend/s...and pray that i don't go cook-coo or insane extremely :)

quiz: what goes up down up down round and round up down up down...
note: the effect can happen relating to the above situation.