This day being the last day of 2007...31 December, JinAir must say it has been a fruitful year for JinAir. Lots' happened especially unplan events in the moment of thought... regardless of financials outcomes and daring challenges JinAir managed to survived. Tomorrow being the 1st. of January in the year 2008... another day another event may it be planned or not for JinAir doesn't really care... JinAir will be having sort of vacation to nowhere... what to happen will be let to caution, just take a day at a time. In office JinAir will be on the week after.... 7th JinAir made appointment of health... photograph of JinAir~'s retina it will be for the hour of 11 and the o'clock of 30 being the minutes. Forget hopeful JinAir not to... important for JinAir~'s to know. Maybe after that JinAir~'s will plan... it's better than to plan and one fine day... knows that it could not be done. Well happy memories will be of recent events... the expedition of mount Bubu and Kayak's being raban's... cenderoh...and finale Kuala Kangsar. That will lingers for moment in JinAir~'s mind... some more pictures to share. Eerrrr this weekend travel JinAir~ will with friends of a 1,000 kilo of a metres journey up north if things don't get complicated... and maybe JinAir~'s be teaching instead. Well leave it to the wind... for JinAir~'s will be in the well as always... or is it?!! Happy new year... 2008 is welcome for JinAir~ be looking forward. kekekekekekeee