Today being the first day in the new year 2008 JinAir~ entered the office. Table... messy not by this here JinAir~ but by others. Had a wonderful trip, exhausting but still a trip well worth... sleep not much for 85.50% of the course the journey drove JinAir~ was. Assisted to reach destinations by friend who's more of the owner of the vehicle. The tripped... 2.00 of the a.m of 5th. of January, 2008 after a meal at Zubaidah's a restaurant in Kay El... the journey begin to the Isle of Pinang through "jalan lama" Kay El - Upstream of Yam - Stick of Kali - the New Fort Estuary - Slim River - Bidor - Fish called Tapah - Kampar - tree of Ipoh and only then did JinAir~ diverted into the highway in Jelapang, to stopped for a meal of steamed peanuts and sweet corns to washed down with plain old bottled water at Gantang Hill R&R. Three and the half of the hours it was... JinAir~ rested and recuperated and after a prayer in the early cold dark morning proceed and exiting at the Cendering toll plaza entering the old road to Tai Ping - Butterworth to again stopped to rest and freshen up... just the face and hairs kekekekekee. JinAir~'s liked the warm feeling of the cloths worn... after all did bathed just before departing in Kay El. At 11.30 a.m of the o'clock left Butterworth of the Island to search for a place known as The Other Side of the Island... to a village called Pinang River... with fuel nearing not enough. The wedding reception... and the food was fulfilling to the liked of JinAir~... at 2 of the o'clock continued journey round island to bay of Heat - Stone of Ferringhi - the Drives of this chap called Gurney - Fortified Field where JinAir~ rest to wait for a friend of a friend of JinAir~'s. Fried tofu and peanut being the food while awaiting. Talk JinAir~ had with a person named Roy of the entertainment circles, hours too of informations exchanged between that only stopped to make the journey home... of course stopping over to purchase one and half kilos of fermented sweet onion or scallops... for wished it was by mother and honeyed what you called that fruit eerr pala... Journey back still via the old road... stopping over again at Gantang Hill for friends wishes to washed and changed. Fried Maggi with egg of buffalo eye and small cut of pizza veges quite raw... holick being the warm drink that jinAir~ savor. This time around JinAir~ eye lids wanting to close always that JinAir~ stopped somewhere in the rain to switch placed so that home sweet home be able to reach. Awaked JinAir~ to see that a route differ by passing the Stick of Kali... this time through Serendah - Rawang - Selayang and finale for JinAir~ was Wangsa Melawati... while friends have another half hour more to reach destinations. 2.00 it was in the a.m journey ended for JinAir~'s. Pics of my tummy, my kid sis, what's that behind me, the gang minus me, hungry me, bride and bridegroom, nap before the journey home.... got to sleep some more.... adios senor... senorita... chau kekekekekeee